Thato Kgatlhanye talked about asking critical questions, spurring the creation of solar schoolbags.

Getting a broader perspective allows us to do what is right, not what is easy. Have the willingness to go where others dare not, and put your identity aside. You have to ask the critical questions even if you are scared to expose your ignorance. Asking the hard questions allow us to meet each other in the middle on the  bridge of understanding. Too many of us sit back in silence and accept a narrative about people who represent an “otherness” from us.

Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie beautifully wrote, “The consequence of a single story is this: It robs people of dignity. It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult.”

Ms. Kgatlhanye learned that her Mama and siblings had only one candle as a study light. Mama became the only one of her six siblings to finish high school and go to college. She asked why African school children could not apply themselves to their homework. Her answer? Studying became difficult without proper lighting. Her company has created solar schoolbags giving children the power to complete their education.


To see the full video presentation from Thato Kgatlhanye's speech, click here