Don Weeks handed the Turkey Trot’s FAS donation to John Urquhart.
This meeting included several presentations from dollars and banners to the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce website. After Thanksgiving’s successful Turkey Trot, President Don had two checks to deliver: one for the Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary (FAS) and another for the Fallbrook Land Conservancy (FLC). Mike Bett, who brought along a UK Rotarian to a recent meeting, handed in an English banner. Chamber of Commerce President and Rotarian Nick Beye demonstrated the Chamber’s new website.
President Don Weeks gave FLC Executive Director Karla Standridge a donation.
Mike Bett provided President Don Weeks with the Rotary of Tenterden Kent-England banner.
Nick talked about his work with the Chamber that has a fine group of people working together. A strong, diverse business base with the community provides additional business opportunities for the community. He invited the Rotarians to join the Chamber. Currently, several Rotarians and our club, itself, have membership in the Chamber.
His website demonstration covered the home page and its new exciting options at https://www.fallbrookchamberofcommerce.org/. Users can select new resources: Business Tools, Community, Government, Discover Fallbrook, Social Media and additional Resources. For example, Discover Fallbrook allows users to see Nature, Dining, Lodging, Wineries, Golfing and Wedding information. Nick invited everyone to try out the links for themselves.